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Grateful Greeting, July 4th 2016

One of the most important tasks of adults . . . parents, teachers, leaders, etc. . . . is to pass on to new generations the history, values, and founding ideals of America. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are remarkable documents. They contain the clear and unambiguous blueprint our Founders intended for this country which has often been referred to as the "last, best hope of mankind".

Amidst the clamor of an election year it is possible to get so caught up in the issues and arguments of the day that we lose sight of the Foundational Ideals we should be working to preserve. If we don't revisit these concepts from time to time, and recommit ourselves to their enduring truth, we risk making decisions inconsistent with the preservation of this great nation and we will not be prepared to talk to young people about the meaning of America.

With these thoughts in mind, on this 4th of July, we pause to reflect on America's values and our responsibilities as citizens and beneficiaries of the blessings of liberty.

Remembering America's Values . . .

  • Morality - there is a higher law than that of man. The laws of man must be viewed in the context of that higher law.

  • Equality - all men are free, are created equal, and are entitled to equality of opportunity.

  • Pursuit of Happiness - people are free to live as they wish, as long as they do not encroach on the freedom of others.

  • Rule of Law - the legal principle that law should govern a nation, not arbitrary decisions of individuals.

  • Freedom - of Religion, Speech, Press and Assembly.

  • Safety and Security - the opportunity to live in peace, free of fear.

  • Dignity - respect for the individual.

May we all be committed to the pursuit and preservation of these values as well as the preservation, protection, and defense of The Constitution. Without these commitments we place our nation in peril.

And so we close with these words from Washington's First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789. "The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people."

In appreciation of your friendship,

Bradford L. Sims


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