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Grateful Greetings, July 4, 2000

For the past 32 years H. Herchiel Sims, Sr., has been the author and creator of a July 4 Grateful Greeting. The message has always been borne out of a strong commitment to freedom, responsibility, the importance of example, an unwavering faith in God and an abiding love of country.

1971 "Work with all your skill and will, for you are now becoming what you are going to be."

1980 "Example is not the main thing in influencing...it is the only thing."

1988 "Freedom offers us a chance to be what we ought to be, not the choice of doing what we may like to do."

1991 "In God We Trust"

1994 "I pledge allegiance to the flag..."

In 1999 you were asked to think about the people who had influenced your life and who have been instrumental in forming your thoughts about freedom, responsibility, God and country. In this year 2000 we honor H. Herchiel Sims, Sr., whose life of 84 years has been and continues to be an example of faith in God, love of country and dedication to freedom.

The card this year features the image of the New River Bridge and the poem "The Bridge Builder." H. Herchiel Sims, Sr., was born at the north end of this bridge in Lansing, West Virginia, and grew up at the south end in Fayetteville, West Virginia. We believe both the image of the bridge and the poem are fitting tributes to a great American who has caused many to reflect on the blessings of liberty.


Copyright © 1968-2023 H. Herchiel Sims, Jr. All Rights Reserved.