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Grateful Greetings July 4, 1982

FREEDOM for the individual is dependent upon the societal separation of theological, economic and political power. For a free society to grow and prosper, the citizens of that society must understand that each area of power is a source of their freedom and they must be enthusiastic and fearless in building and maintaining those sources in such a way as to preserve that freedom. 

THEOLOGICAL SOURCE OF POWER FOR FREEDOM - Trust in God is the quintessence of living and the basis for law and morality in all areas of life.

ECONOMIC SOURCE OF POWER FOR FREEDOM - The free enterprise system, the right of private property, is the economic system which will best accommodate individuality and allow the individual to affirm that life and living come from giving.

POLITICAL SOURCE OF POWER FOR FREEDOM - The concept of a limited government which recognizes the rights of the individual to use his/her time, talent and treasure for all peaceful purposes is first. Second is the authority and responsibility of government to maintain the peace by protecting life and property for all without difference.

The numerous ways we can be positive for freedom are depicted by the plus signs of the drawing. Some are little and some are big, but all are important.


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